Harmonious Hormones: a holistic approach to balancing your hormones
w/ Kiki Tong & Alexandria Bright
Join Ki Ki & Alex for a workshop centering the hormones of the gestational reproductive system.
We will share about the primary hormones responsible for reproductive health, common signs of hormonal imbalance and herbs and practices that can support restoring hormonal balance.
Please email customercare@snehacollective.com if you’d like to be notified of a future release of this workshop.
Kiki Tong
Kiki is a holistic esthetician who specializes in Gua Sha facials and is very passionate about crystals, sound and energy healing, herbal medicine, & the chakra system! She’s been working in the beauty industry for 20+ years and has gained a vast amount of knowledge of ingredients, herbs, aromatherapy along the way. Kiki holds space for her customers to feel a welcoming and nourishing environment!
Alexandria Bright
Alexandria is a practicing mental health clinician, birth & postpartum doula, herbalist and intuitive movement practitioner. She is a graduate of the Well of Indigenous Wisdom School and is currently working towards recognition as a registered herbalist with the American Herbalist Guild. Alex is passionate about community wellness and is the founder of Rooted Earth Wellness + Apothecary, a vehicle through which she offers clinical herbal consultations, workshops, intuitive movement coaching and birthwork.