The "All Chakras" Activation & Meditation Experience
with Brooke Smokelin
So often in our fast-paced lives we do the physical work of our asana practice and then we move right along, not making or taking the time to immediately enjoy the many benefits of our practice- silence, stillness and deep meditation.
In this Chakra Activation Yoga Experience we will:
* Briefly (re)familiarize ourselves with the basics/ fundamentals of yogic Energy Anatomy (prana, nadis, chakras)
* Generate an abundance of vital energy via pranayama
* Encourage this energy up the spine from Root Chakra to Crown Chakra, experiencing and exploring the 7 physical-emotional-energetic centers via specific Chakra Activation Yoga exercises
* Meditate and remain in this "chakra activated" state for a blissful duration
We will ignite the light within and abide in that brilliance.
Facilitated by Brooke Smokelin, Director of Chakra Activation Yoga.
About Brooke:
Chakra Activation Yoga is a unique fusion style of classic “static” hatha asanas and “dynamic” kundalini kriyas intentionally sequenced to vitalize and harmonize each of the 7 chakra-energy centers and thereby "brighten the light", as well as refresh the glands, align the bones and tone the muscles of the body.
For 25 years Brooke has been teaching and studying in the Kundalini, Sivananda, Kriya and Ashtanga traditions and is currently an E-RYT/ YACEP offering advanced trainings to yoga teachers and students all over the world.
Her Chakra Activation Yoga/ Chakra Activation Deck/ Chakra Affirmation Deck provide a wealth of tools and techniques that empower practitioners to ignite their light, embody their “full spectrum” physical, emotional and energetic selves, and joyfully create their own chakra-themed practice.
To find out more about your chakras before the workshop, take Brooke's Chakra Assessment:
More info: