Kihei Comerci
Guest Teacher
Kihei is a RYT-200 Hr. Vinyasa Krama yoga teacher through The Om Lounge’s YTT training program. As a former collegiate athlete with many years of participating in competitive sports, she sought out stillness of the mind and body. She believes that yoga serves as not only a terrific stress reliever, but an ongoing opportunity for self-discovery, truth, and connection.
Kihei holds a Bachelor’s degree in English and is currently working towards her Master’s in Social Work at Pitt to practice as a psychotherapist. In her free time, Kihei enjoys running, curating Spotify playlists, and visiting the best restaurants in town.
Given her background, you can expect a class that tells a story, weaving messages and themes all throughout. Her class will also build in intensity and vigor. Just as the individual is the expert of their own life, the yogi is the expert of their own practice. Therefore, Kihei welcomes and honors the need for downward dog, sukhasana, or child’s pose at any point during her class. Take what your body craves.
Photographs by Jennifer Alyse
Photograph by: Ashley Hoffman